Total war troy mythos download
Total war troy mythos download

total war troy mythos download

The goal is to create a dynamic system of quest, making the campaign exciting and non-linear, just like what you can find on a Total War WARHAMMER.Bibliotheca Mythologica: Gods, Heroes and Monsters pretends to bring A Total War Saga: TROY closer to the original Greek myths, specially to the works by Homer and Hesiod. So there will be an important narrative that will allow us to bring you with us into our world, into our vision of this history. We decided to create our own vision of Greek mythology at the time of the Trojan War. The project will not be limited to the provision of new units or features. We intend to create new things we have already started well and we will continue! What we can tell you right now is that this mod will not be a simple "RESKIN" of pre-existing models. We will try to communicate with you on a regular basis to keep you updated on project progress and developments. That being said, we will do our utmost to release the content that we will announce. We have a lot of ideas, and they may not all be implemented. We have been working on the project for about 6 months. We are currently a small team of 3 people.

total war troy mythos download

Now that this has been said, if you are still here, it is because the project interests you, or at least intrigues you. We simply want to push the concept of spice to its peak, giving it a dimension not present in the base game.Īs such, we state it clearly from the beginning, if you are an absolute fan of history and historical truthfulness, you are clearly not in the right place, continuing reading might even give you buttons. The goal is not to make a copy paste of the game Age Of Mythology, we simply draw inspiration, like other playful video works, cinematographic, literary. The main objective of this project is very simple: to make TROY TOTAL WAR as epic, fun and incredible as possible. The game TROY Total War clearly gives us the possibility. This project is the culmination of a childhood dream, that of seeing a rehabilitation of the famous game Age Of Mythology to the universe of Total WAR. Today, on the day of the release of the MYTHOS DLC from TROY TOTAL WAR, we want to give you the official presentation of our mod: Total War Troy: Aegean Mythos.

Total war troy mythos download